By Baptism we become members of the Church, the Body of Christ.
The Sacrament of Baptism for infants and small children is celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 1pm in the church. The parish Pre-Baptism class is required before any Baptism can be scheduled. The classes are usually held the 1st Wednesday of each month. Please call or email: [email protected] the parish office for a reservation: 732-566-9334. Check the parish bulletin for the Pre-Baptism dates.
Today, Baptism is generally celebrated when a child is quite young, most often a newborn infant, but adults are Baptized into the Catholic Church as well. The proper name for such a person seeking to become a Catholic is "Catechumen," and the program they attend is called "RCIA," which stands for the "Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults." Individuals from their early teenage years and up who wish to become Catholics should enter the parish's RCIA program by calling the parish office at 732-566-9334 and ask for the pastor or Deacon Keith Berg to arrange a meeting.
Here are some LINKS and Readings about the Sacrament to get you acquainted with the process:
CLICK HERE for the "Baptism" PDF from the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to learn the basics about the Sacrament.
CLICK HERE to learn about adult "Baptism and the RCIA."
CLICK HERE to learn how to get connected with the parish RCIA program.