From Baptism, we are called to love God and our neighbor, but how exactly to do that in this very confused and distracted 21st Century world? When it comes to Religion, specifically our Catholic Religion, part of the answer is "Faith Formation." Here's why.
Many of us stopped learning about our Faith right after we were Confirmed, and that often was when were we just around 14 years-old! Imagine if the rest of our education stopped then. What would we do? How would we get along? Our spiritual survival depends on continuing our education about our Faith, something the Church calls "Adult Faith Formation."
That's a fancy expression but it really means continuing to learn more about Christ, His Church on Earth and our part in it. Through this continuing education we are more fully "formed" into His image and likeness, and only in doing so will we ever become truly at peace and happy.
So what about LIFT? How does that fit in?
LIFT stands for "Living In Faith Together." And it's not a "Junior College" for Religion. Not at all. It is a group of adult Catholics here at Most Holy Redeemer who combine DOING THINGS for Jesus through the grace and help of the Holy Spirit and, in that doing, our Faith grows and we learn more about who we are as Christ's Disciples and what to do about it. LIFT is all about love in action: a personal love for Jesus expressed in prayer and action to share that love with our fellow parishioners and the communities around us.
In a sense, every parishioner is an extended member of LIFT because we all need Faith Formation as adults. But there is a LIFT Core Team that meets very 6 or 7 weeks to plan and execute EVENTS to benefit the parish Adult Faith Formation efforts. What are these events?
Essentially our LIFT events are just about any creative thing we prayerfully believe the Holy Spirit wants! In the last year or so these have ranged from Scripture Studies, to Advent Fun Family Celebrations, to Teaching Masses, to helping promote with the Holy Name's St. Paddy's Day dinner! LIFT Team members have even been instrumental in building the "New Look" for this website... and there are a number of other digital adventures planned in which LIFT will be involved.
And our best kept secret is that we have a lot of FUN at our meetings and events which fill Desmond Hall amd bring a positive and enjoyable Faith Formation experience to the Most Holy Redeemer family.
So WHAT ARE YOUR TALENTS? And HOW CAN YOU USE YOUR GIFTS to see God's "Kingdom come on Earth..." LIFT might be one of the answers. We need all kinds of folks with all kinds of skills. This is a vibrant parish and we have a lot to do.
If you think you might have a calling to work with the LIFT Team, contact he Parish Office at 732-566-9334